- Spreading Fun All Over!

ENTERTAINMENT JUNCTION => Santa Banta Jokes => Topic started by: Rhea Thomas on July 29, 2009, 11:52:18 PM

Title: BuzzzZz
Post by: Rhea Thomas on July 29, 2009, 11:52:18 PM
Lie Detector

An Englishman, an American and a Sardarji are called upon to test a lie detector.

The Englishman says: "I think I can empty 20 bottles of beer".
BUZZZZZZ, goes the lie detector.
"Ok", he says, "10 bottles".
And the machine is silent.

The American says: "I think I can eat 15 hamburgers".
BUZZZZZZ, goes the lie detector.
"All right, 8 hamburgers".
And the machine's silent.

The Sardarji says: "I think.......", BUZZZZZZ goes the machine.