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LIFE & STYLE => Indian Breads => Topic started by: Ryan Martis on July 04, 2009, 07:28:52 AM

Title: Paneer Paratha
Post by: Ryan Martis on July 04, 2009, 07:28:52 AM
maida 1 cup
flour 1 cup
ghee 3 table spoon
peas 300 grams
paneer 200 grams
butter milk 1/2 cup ginger
green chilli 10pc.
garam masala 1 table spoon
onion 2pc.

First mix flour & maida & mix ghee in it. Add butter milk and make a tough dough. Add salt
and green chilli.
Grind ginger,onion,garlic and coriander and make fine paste. Roast peas in a pan with 2
table spoon of ghee.
After frying add paste in it. Add garam masala in it and fry little more. Grind peas finely.
Cut coriander finely and add paneer &salt. Add peas paste to it. Make small dough of flour
& make roti as usual &apply paste on full roti,
Make another roti & put it on the paste bake roti on tawa.