Title: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:27:16 AM The humanity is surrounded by a different brutal society that is dragging it down every moment. It’s a dark side of mankind which is an unfortunate reality and a severe plague to the world.
Luis Quiles, a Spanish artist, created the series of illustrations depicting the bitter truth of mankind. Through his art, Quiles challenges the controversial issues ranging from over-the-counter drug addiction, censorship, and corruption, to sexism, violence, child abuse, and most pertinent of all, our cultural social-media-crazed obsession. Many of us are probably knowing or unknowingly are the victims of such absurdities of modern culture. 1. The craze for social media! Friends, selfies, likes and comments actually matter a lot. (http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_01.jpg) Social media has become the new addiction of this generation. Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:27:33 AM 2. Freedom of expression is a myth.
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_02.jpg) There is a censorship of free thought and consequences which follow voicing our opinion are tragic. Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:27:57 AM 3. As Religious Institutes are some of the wealthiest bodies, this is how they are working against poverty and hunger.
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_03.jpg) They must know that they are failed in fulfilling their so called promises on the name of God and religion. Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:28:19 AM 4. Choice of words can be bought by money.
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_04.jpg) They have rented your tongue with just a few bucks. Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:28:34 AM 5. The innocent victims of unnecessary wars.
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_05.jpg) Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:28:49 AM 6. Perfect physiques are now used as products and showcases.
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_06.jpg) Go to The NEXT Page for More Pictures >>> Title: Re: 7 Disturbing But Amazing Illustrations Perfectly Depicting The Sad Truth Of Mank Post by: shahrukh on May 27, 2016, 01:28:59 AM 7. People die due to drugs that they take as life-savers. It’s strange but at once very true!
(http://800020.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/disturbing_illustrations_mankind_07.jpg) |