Title: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:14 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_01.jpg)
Does it get any cuter than a tiny animal-shaped candle? Probably not, but it does get creepier when it melts, revealing a skeleton. First delightful, then scary Pyropet candles do just that! The project started by Thorunn Arnadottir and Dan Kovaland was successful from the very beginning, reaching the funding goal on Kickstarter just in 4 days. Now they are selling their candles all over the world. Thorunn Arnadottir came up with the idea: “One day as I watched the chubby body of a jolly Santa Claus shaped candle slowly melt, deform, and perish into a sad pool of wax I wondered if I could elevate this common place ritual sacrifice into a true theatre of the macabre in wax.” More info: pyropetcandles.com | Facebook | Instagram Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:19 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_02.jpg)
Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:25 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_03.jpg)
Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:29 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_04.jpg)
Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:35 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_05.jpg)
Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:44 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_06.gif)
Go to The NEXT Page for More Pictures >>> Title: Re: Beautiful Candles Reveal Hidden Skeletons When They Melt Post by: shahrukh on February 25, 2016, 02:03:49 AM (http://800018.xyz/files/funzug/imgs/creativity/candles_hidden_skeletons_07.jpg)